How Anne lost weight and improved her energy, sleep quality and joint movement

When I met Anne she was unhappy with her health.

She was overweight and had tried every which way to lose it. She felt tired and had frequent energy slumps in the afternoon. Her joints were stiff and painful and she was not sleeping well.

Anne had had enough and needed a new approach. She felt it was time she invested in herself and we started working together inside The Menopause Method, my 12-week 1:1 nutrition coaching programme.

Here’s how she lost weight, raised her energy levels, increased her joint movement [and re-duced the pain] and improved her quality of sleep:

💝She cut down on the sugary & starchy carbs that play havoc with blood sugar levels and make weight loss impossible, especially at perimenopause.

💘She started eating protein at every meal, to provide sufficient energy to get her through her busy days AND create the building blocks for a good night's sleep.

💖She stopped fearing fat and started eating healthy fats to keep her feeling satisfied and en-sure her brain and hormones were nourished and her joints were oiled.

💚 She increased the number and variety of different anti-inflammatory colourful vegetables and fruits she was eating to 30 per week.

💓She focused on eating slowly and mindfully to help her digest properly.

💞 She prioritised finding time for herself to relax, unwind and destress.

Anne was committed, motivated and enthusiastic. She worked hard to make the changes we agreed on in our sessions together.

Results like this are available to you too, if you’re ready to take control of your health and future proof your future.

DM me to get started!