Don’t become a shocking menopause statistic

Don't become a shocking menopause statistic like I did 7.5 years ago.

💔 72% of women say they feel unsupported at work.

💔 25% consider leaving work because of their negative experiences.

💔 9% have disciplinary action taken against them.

💔 90% feel unable to talk to their managers about menopause.

💔 60% say their symptoms negatively impact their work.

💔 49% consider taking early retirement.

💔 2% are on long term sick leave,

Over 60% of women experience symptoms resulting in behaviour changes.

That means 40% of women do not.

It's completely possible to sail through menopause feeling great, as long as you take control and don't outsource responsibility for your health and wellbeing to your doctor.

Whether or not you choose to take HRT medication, it's vital that you start focusing on your nutrition and lifestyle to ensure they're working with you and not against you.

Don't forget that post menopause there's another 20 to 30 years of lovely life ahead of you!

As my clients will testify, menopause can absolutely be a positive, life affirming new phase of life if you take action and arm yourself with the right information and support.

Don't underestimate the power of nutrition and lifestyle to give you a whole new zest for life.

Find out more about The Menopause Method - my 12-week 1:2 nutrition coaching programme.