What do you want 80 to look like?

You may know that the average lifespan of a woman in the UK is 81 years old.

But did you know that the average healthspan, that is years of life lived in good health, free from chronic disease and disability, is just 63 years old!

This means that most women live their final 18 years of life in poor health, plagued by conditions such as heart disease [the leading cause of death in women], type 2 diabetes, obesity, cancer and dementia. All of which are predominantly lifestyle diseases that are largely preventable.

Being a 60 year old women, these statistics certainly got my attention! They got me thinking about what I want 80 to look like.

Don’t know about you but I’m certainly choosing healthspan over lifespan!

The point is, how you want to be in your 80s depends on the actions you are taking now, irrespective of your current age.

Wherever you are on the scale of health and wellness, it’s never too late to start taking control.

The key areas to focus on are:

🥗 Good nutrition. Fuel your body with real food and avoid ultra processed fake food. Focus on quality protein [meat, fish, eggs, cheese etc], healthy fats, and as many veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds as you can.

🚴‍♂️ Keep moving. Regular physical activity isn't just about looking good; it's also about staying strong, independent and feeling good. 🏋️‍♀️

🤯 Manage Stress. Your mental wellbeing directly impacts your physical health. Finding a way to unwind that works for you is vital.

😴 Prioritise sleep. Lack of sleep increases your risk of all chronic illness and is extremely damaging to the body.

👯 Stay social. People with good community support, meaningful relationships and a sense of purpose stay healthier and live longer.

Don’t know where to start? Get in touch!