Why Osteoarthritis isn’t about wear and tear!

Let’s say goodbye to the outdated notion that osteoarthritis is all about wear and tear on the joints.

It isn’t!

In some cases yes, it can be, but mostly it’s about inflammation [internal damage] caused by poor diet and lifestyle.

Our joints are much more than mechanical parts. They are complex structures made up of bone, muscle, synovial fluid, cartilage and ligaments.

These are all living tissue that require the right nutrients in the right amounts to be able to function properly [aka without pain].

So, if your joints [knees, wrists, hips, fingers] are aching and you’re putting it down to ageing, then the good news is that it's never too late to do something about it.

Many of my clients and patients have been amazed at how their joint pain disappears when they change what they're eating.
If you don’t put the right raw ingredients into your body, it won’t work as nature designed it to. It’s as simple as that.

Most people in the UK are overdoing the sugar, starch and ultra-processed food, which can be THE major source of inflammation.
Plus, if you’re not eating enough protein or taking in omega-3 fatty acids to lubricate your joints, not to mention all the vitamins and minerals in vegetables and fruit, then you’re missing out on the key vital raw ingredients that are the building blocks of healthy joints.

And when it comes to lifestyle your muscles are designed to be used regularly to keep them and your bones strong. It really is a case of use it or lose it.

If you’re ready to rewrite your osteoarthritis story and committed to making changes then get in touch. I can help!