How to stop the little voice in your head making your menopause anxiety worse

Is the little negative voice in your head making your menopause anxiety worse?

You know the little voice I’m talking about, the one that gives us a running commentary on everything and anything from the moment you wake up to the second you fall asleep.

Mostly, it’s bombarding you with negative self-critical thoughts such as ‘’Stupid me", "I can't do this" or "I'm not up to this.."

Our Stone Age biology is partly to blame for this negativity, it’s designed to help us survive.

However, this negative self-talk is adding to your menopausal anxiety and brain fog, not to mention sabotaging your confidence.

Fortunately there’s lots you can do to take control and stop that little voice taking over your life and career. It really is possible to change these thoughts too.

If you want to feel more positive, calm and focused, here’s what to try:

⛔ Stop listening to it! It’s just a thought, it doesn’t mean anything. Acknowledge that it’s just a thought that’s trying to keep you safe and let it go. You know deep down you’re smart and most definitely good enough!

🥰 Get into the habit of reframing negative thoughts to more positive ones such as ‘I’ve got this’, ‘I CAN do this’.

🧠 Shift consciousness from your head to another part of your body. Place your feet firmly on the ground, take a deep breath and feel the ground below you. Focus on one of your senses, what can you hear, what can you smell?

💗 Ask yourself if you would talk to a friend like this? Chances are you wouldn't! Try a bit of self-compassion – be kind to yourself.

Let me know if this resonates with you and what works for you.