Is there a “manopause” AKA male menopause?

Is there such a thing as the "manopause" or as it's medically termed, andropause?

Actually there is, just like women experience hormonal changes with menopause, men go through a similar phase as they age.

Andropause typically occurs in middle-aged and older men, bringing about shifts in hormone levels, particularly testosterone.

What happens:

🚹 Gradual decline in testosterone levels over time can impact energy, libido, muscle mass, and mood.

🚹 Symptoms vary widely and include fatigue, reduced sex drive, erectile dysfunction, mood swings, and weight gain.

The best way to address the manopause is very similar to the menopause:

🥦 Good nutrition that includes lots of fruit, veggies, protein and healthy fats for hormonal balance.

🦪 Specific nutrients for male hormones are zinc, vitamin D, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids.

🤾‍♂️ Regular exercise including strength training and cardio to maintain muscle mass, boost mood and support hormone balance.

🤯 Manage stress and find a way to wind down. Stress has a big impact on hormone levels.

😴 Quality sleep, 7-9 hours per night for hormonal regulation and overall well-being.

Since male hormones decline more gradually than female hormones the symptoms may not ap-pear so suddenly.

Do you recognise any of these symptoms?