Don‘t guess what‘s happening with your hormones just test!

You may have been told that it's not worth testing your hormones at perimenopause and menopause because they fluctuate so greatly, and that is true for blood testing.

However, there are alternatives such as urine testing, and one of the most popular is the DUTCH [Dried Urine Test of Complete Hormones] test.

Hormones are complex and are created in the body through a series of chemical processes. They also need to be eliminated safely to avoid unpleasant side effects aka symptoms.

Menopause and perimenopause symptoms are also affected by a wider range of hormones than just oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. We also need to consider cortisol [stress], melatonin [sleep] and overall nutritional status, not to mention many other hormones such as insulin.

Since all of our hormones work together like an orchestra, when one is out of tune, the rest don't function properly.

If you really want to understand what is driving your symptoms, the DUTCH test can be extremely helpful in understanding the big picture.

I can arrange a test for you and then interpret it. Get in touch if you'd like to know more.