Is brainfog making you unable to function and think clearly at work? Here’s what to know..

When brainfog hit me out of the blue 8 years ago, I had no idea what was happening to me, nor that it was menopause related.

I suddenly found myself unable to think clearly and function like I used to and even simple tasks seemed beyond me in my senior marketing role. I felt like I was making a fool of myself and really messing up.

I took myself off to the doctors, only to be offered antidepressants, which seemed crazy as I knew I wasn’t depressed, but there was nothing else on offer and so I had to research alternative approaches.

Over the past few years, these are some of my top tips for what has worked for both me and my clients:

🐟🥑🫒 Ensure you’re eating enough healthy fats, especially those rich in omega-3 fatty acids which help build brain and nerve cells and improve your memory.

💦 Avoid dehydration - your brain cells need water to help them communicate with each other & to clear out toxins & waste that can stop them functioning.

🏃🏋️‍♂️Exercise regularly to facilitate the growth and repair of cells and blood vessels in your brain. Exercise helps get oxygen to the brain & builds new brain cells to improve focus and clarity.

😴💤 Prioritise getting a good night’s sleep. Being sleep-deprived leads to lower levels of concentration & alertness.

🥩🐡🥚Eat quality protein at every meal to provide the basic building blocks of all hormones, enzymes and neurotransmitters.

🤯 Manage your stress levels. Stress hormones can kill brain cells and shrink your brain.

If you want to feel less foggy and think clearer, food and lifestyle changes are really powerful. Which one are you going to try?