How hormone testing can help pinpoint exactly what is really driving your menopause symptoms

You may have been told that it's not worth testing your hormones at menopause because they fluctuate so widely from day to day. And that is true for blood testing.

However urine tests, such as the DUTCH [Dried Urine Test of Complete Hormones] provide a lot more information, not just about oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels, but also about your stress and sleep hormones , as well as status of other key nutrients such as vitamins B12 and B6.

Plus, once hormones have been used they need to be removed from the body via the liver and kidneys. Testing shows exactly how effective this is, which routes they’re taking and whether they’re being eliminated safely. This is important for minimising symptoms and avoiding DNA damage.

So if you really want to pinpoint what is driving your symptoms, a DUTCH test can help pro-vide the answers.

I can arrange a test for you and then interpret it.

DM me if you’d like to know more.