How to manage menopause symptoms if like me you can’t take HRT

With the ongoing media focus on all things menopause you would be forgiven for thinking that there was only one solution to managing symptoms and that is HRT [Hormone Replacement Therapy].

But what do you do if you have a history of breast cancer like me?

Or maybe you just don't want to take it?

The answer is that it is entirely possible to manage your symptoms naturally by making changes to your diet and lifestyle.

It works for me and my clients so it can work for you too!

Whilst there is no one-size fits all approach here are some simple tips that can really help:

💚 Cut down on the sugary & starchy carbs that play havoc with your blood sugar levels & hormones.

💚 Eat quality protein at every meal.

💚 Ensure you’re eating a wide range of colourful vegetables and fruits.

💚 Find a way that works for you to unwind and manage your stress levels. Stress is a key driver of menopause symptoms.

💚 Try cutting out all alcohol for a week or two and notice the difference it makes to hot flush-es and night sweats.

💚 Be active every day, even if it’s just a short walk.

If you’d like more personalised advice I’d be happy to talk you through my 1:1 nutrition coaching programme - The Menopause Method. It’s designed to address YOUR specific symptoms and teach you how to manage your hormones naturally so that you can get back to feeling normal again.

DM me for more info.