How to eat your way to happiness [at menopause]

It’s mental health awareness week and if you’re in perimenopause or menopause it’s highly likely you’ve noticed changes in your mood and levels of anxiety.

But did you know that you can eat your way to feeling happier [and calmer]?

We’ve known for years that stress affects your gut and we also now know that it’s a 2-way street and your gut also influences your mood.

You know the saying ‘trust your gut’, this is because you have a ‘hidden’ or ‘second’ brain in there. 🧠

Your gut [or large intestine to be more precise] has 500 million nerve cells and about a 100 mil-lion neurons, responsible for producing many hormones, enzymes and in particular the chemical messenger serotonin – often referred to as the happy hormone. 😃😂

Gut health is very much in vogue at the moment and it is affected by your diet, age, geography, antibiotics, prescription medication, exercise levels and stress.

So here are 4 ways you can start eating your way to happiness [and support your gut]:

🥩 Eat protein at every meal – all neurotransmitters are made directly from the amino acids contained in dietary protein.

🍅 Ensure you’re eating a diverse range of different coloured vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs & spices – the fibre in them is what feeds your 'friendly' gut microbes. 🧫🦠

🎂 Cut down on the inflammatory sugary, refined and processed foods, which feed the ‘un-friendly’ bacteria. 🧫🦠

🦠 Eat fermented food containing natural live cultures such as yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha and kimchi.

And if you really want to get on first name terms with your gut bug, you can do a stool test.

One client recently discovered that she was missing some key microbes and had low levels of others that are directly linked to anxiety and depression. Exciting news because it means we are now actively working on getting her feeling better.

To find out more get in touch!