Is menopause a medical condition that needs fixing?

“No it isn’t!

Menopause is a physiological stage of life and whilst the symptoms may not feel normal and the actual challenges surrounding it can feel anything but ordinary, menopause is not an illness, a disease or a pathological condition.

It is a transition.

It doesn’t need curing or fixing.

It does need addressing and managing though if necessary!”

These are the words of Dr. Lisa Mosconi in her fabulous book ‘The Menopause Brain’.

I totally agree with her. It makes me sad to see how over-medicalised menopause has become. Not to mention how negative a lot of the media focus on all things menopause is.

It’s a natural part of life that every woman goes through.

This period of transition is very similar to what happens at puberty, the amazing dance of female sex hormones are adjusting to new lower levels of being. Which is why menopause is of-ten called ‘second puberty.’

Studies have shown that the more negative and apprehensive you feel about menopause, the worse your symptoms are likely to be.

So let’s reframe how we think about this time of renewal.

With no more monthly periods to worry about, menopause can really be a great opportunity for growth, self-discovery and to finally become the woman you’ve always wanted to be.

Just think of all those years of wisdom, inner strength and resilience that have made you into the woman you are today. In many cultures, older women are celebrated as wise women, leaders and ‘repositors of information.’

Consider also that women live 40% of their lives post menopause – so if you’re experiencing symptoms – higher levels of anxiety, disrupted sleep, brainfog and much lower levels of tolerance to annoyances you were previously ok with – let them be a wake up call that changes are needed to your nutrition and lifestyle and perhaps other areas of your life too?

Consider menopause a gentle nudge to taking action towards a happier, more positive and more fulfilled future.

I’d love to hear what you think about this topic? Do let me know!