The hormone you really need to know about menopause – hint, it’s not oestrogen!

The hormone that could be making or breaking your menopause transition is not oestrogen, it's insulin.

Yes that’s right.

When insulin is out of control (usually from being on the blood sugar rollercoaster) it causes chaos with your sex hormones [oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone].

Insulin is a major driver in:

⚡️ Weight gain (and blocking weight loss). Not for nothing is it known as the fat-storage hor-mone.

⚡️ Messing with oestrogen levels, which can drive symptoms such as brain fog, mood swings, hot flushes, cravings, night sweats, and poor sleep.

So to keep your hormones in balance, start by balancing your blood sugar. Ditch the sugary snacks and refined carbs – your body will thank you!

This is one of the basic pillars I teach in my 12-week programme The Menopause Method and has been life-changing for so many of my clients.

Of course, there are many other aspects to feeling great at menopause including ensuring that you're eating enough protein at every meal, not missing out on healthy fats and increasing the range and diversity of colourful vegetables and low sugar fruits.

Not forgetting ensuring you're getting enough quality sleep, doing the right type of exercise and finding a way of unwinding and managing the ever present stresses in our lives.

To find out more about The Menopause Method get in touch.