Meet Louise – “For the first time in a very long time I feel genuinely positive about my long-term weight loss and general wellbeing”

Today, I thought I'd share a different kind of client testimonial, which demonstrates what it’s like to work with me.

Meet 60 year old Louise, who wanted to lose weight and improve her sleep. With a complex medical history including breast cancer, double mastectomy, reconstructions that failed and a range of different medications – her body had been put through a lot in the last 10 years.

Six months on progress has been slow on the weight loss and sleep improvement. Nevertheless Louise is happy because she now understands what factors affect both and she has a long-term plan to move forward with.

Plus, the added bonus of improving her overall health has been slowed hair loss that has been bothering her for the past 10 years, which she’s really hap-py about.

In her words:

“Helen has given me a fresh, sustainable and healthy way of living and for the first time in ages I feel genuinely positive about my long-term weight loss and general wellbeing.

From day one Helen became a trusted confident and has taught me, led me, pushed me and joined me on my journey. She has checked-in regularly out-side of our sessions offering tips, encouragement and helpful advice.

She has taken a sincere interest in all of my concerns and has determinedly helped me to resolve issues.

Working with Helen has been a life changing experience and is someone that I am sincerely grateful for.”

Louise's experience demonstrates that there is no one-size fits all approach.

Our bodies are complex and unique, both genetically and biochemically.

My role is to get to the root cause of my clients' health concerns and myriad of symptoms and this can take time, plus of course there are no guarantees!

Weight loss in particular is a long-term game, requiring consistency in the changes you make to nutrition and lifestyle.

Working together over a period of time enables me to provide you with education, advice, coaching and accountability.

What would you like to start working on?