Hormone testing: why you should test & not guess!

Hormones are complex and can be erratic at menopause and blood testing may not give you the full picture of what’s happening in your body.

Hormone levels may be fine at 2pm at the time the blood is taken, but at 2am it could be a whole different story.

Plus, there are many more hormones than oestrogen and progesterone that affect how you feel and how you’ll experience menopause.

Hormones work together like an orchestra so you also need to know what's happening with testosterone, stress [cortisol] and sleep [melatonin] hormones.

So rather than relying solely on blood tests the DUTCH test [Dried Urine Testing of Complete Hormones] is one of the most comprehensive hormone tests available.

It also looks at how your hormones are being processed and removed from your body via the liver and kidneys, how effective this process is and whether they’re being eliminated safely.

So if you really want to know what’s happening with your hormones and get to the route cause of your symptoms, test don't guess!

Get in touch if you’d like to take the DUTCH test.