Myth: Menopause is the beginning of the end [of my life]

There's so much negativity surrounding all the media hype around menopause, it's not surprising that women are filled with fear about what lies ahead!

That's not to underplay the impact some of the symptoms can have on our lives and careers.

I can testify that I struggled with anxiety, brain fog, hot flushes and disrupted sleep, when symptoms hit me out of the blue 6 years ago.

In fact, they contributed to me losing my confidence & ultimately my job in corporate marketing. When I was fired suddenly 6 years ago, I was overwhelmed with a deep sense of dissatisfaction with my life.

The distress over losing my job and panic knowing that I couldn’t bear to continue in my career of 30 years, plunged me into a deep sense of despair for months as I tried to work out what to do next.

As well as making changes to my nutrition and lifestyle, I invested in life-coaching to get me back on track and help work out how I wanted the next phase of my life to look. The result was taking the plunge to retrain and turn my life-long interest in nutrition into a new career. One of the best things I’ve ever done!

Instead of viewing menopause as a problem, consider it as an opportunity to become the person you've always wanted to be. Step into a new life stage that is there to be enjoyed to the full.

Take a close look at anything in your life that you’re unhappy with or just find irritating & do something about it.

It doesn’t have to be a radical career change, it could just be investing in your health & wellbeing, eating healthily, starting a new exercise regime or taking up a new hobby.

Whatever it is don’t ignore it, it’s a gentle nudge towards taking action towards a happier, more positive & more fulfilled future.

I’d love to know what the one thing is in your life that’s causing you dissatisfaction.

What would you LOVE to change?