Looking for a solution to your menopause symptoms?

If you're looking for a solution to your menopause symptoms, there are many pieces of the puzzle that you need to think about.

I speak to women every day about how important nutrition and lifestyle factors are in driving their symptoms and most are surprised.

If you're only thinking about the medical solution ie taking replacement hormones, you're really missing a trick.

Yes of course it can be an important part of the puzzle for some, but if you're not looking at all the other factors too, you’re missing on natural solutions that are so powerful they can make the difference between feeling better and feeling fabulous in mid-life.

After all, post menopause you may have 40% of your life ahead of you. Why wouldn't you want these to be the happiest, healthiest, most rewarding years of your life?

There's no reason why they can't be.... as long as you're looking at all the important pieces of the puzzle.

What you want 80 to look like depends on what you do now!

Nutrition, exercise, hydration, managing stress, sleep, reducing alcohol, minimising toxins and addressing mindset are all pieces of the puzzle that I work with my clients on inside The Menopause Method.

I’m not a doctor so of course I don’t prescribe HRT, but for my clients that are already taking it, many have had to reduce their dosage at the end of the programme. Just goes to show how powerful all the other puzzle pieces are!

Intrigued? I’m here to support you.