A pooh a day keeps your menopause symptoms at bay

As off the wall as it sounds, you may not realise it, but the health of your digestive system and how regularly you empty your bowels has a direct effect on your hormonal balance.

Research shows that constipation can exacerbate menopausal symptoms, such as hot flushes and mood swings.


When your system gets blocked or backed up, oestrogen and other hormones that should be clearing from your body are reabsorbed into the bloodstream in a more toxic form, disrupting the delicate hormonal balance and thereby intensifying your symptoms.

It’s all about the health of your gut and gut microbes and there’s lots you can do to improve this, such as eating enough fibre, adding in fermented food, staying hydrated and keeping moving.

Kiwi fruit and flaxseeds are super foods when it comes to managing constipation.

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