What your menopause symptoms are trying to tell you……..

When menopause symptoms hit you out of the blue, as they did with me 7 years ago, it’s easy to complain and moan about what can be their devastating impact on your life and career – as I know only too well.

But what if the symptoms are a message from your body that it wants you to hear?

Your body is a highly intelligent system and your symptoms are your body's way of telling you that it is not happy, that it is not functioning as well as it should be and something is not quite right.

How you feel in perimenopause and menopause is a function of your approach to your health and wellbeing over the previous 20-30 years.

Hormones are complex and impacted by everything we do. When we’re younger they provide a level of buffer and resilience, which means we can get away with less healthy eating and life-style practices that we just can’t as we move towards mid life.

So if you’ve been:

?Skimping on sleep

?Running on adrenaline and caffeine

?Relying on wine to help you relax after a stressful day at work

?Eating on the run

?Never managing to find time for yourself

?Not getting round to doing any kind of exercise

You’ve been taking your health for granted!

It’s time to take action – in mid-life you just can’t get away with it any longer.

Think of your menopause symptoms as a wake-up call to make some changes to your life and how you’re living it.

Not only can you completely resolve your symptoms with good nutrition and lifestyle practices, but you’ll also be setting yourself up to age healthily.

Post menopause, you could have another 40% of your life ahead of you, so it’s vital to ensure they’re your healthiest and happiest years.

If you’re ready to take responsibility for your health and start making changes, I'm here to help you with a personalised programme of nutrition and lifestyle support that fits in with your life.