Why Calorie Deficits don’t work – especially if you want to lose weight at menopause

I don't understand why there is still so much talk about calorie deficits being important for weight loss - when it's old science and proven that they don't work!

Especially at menopause when there are so many other changes happening in the body.

The calorie deficit theory of weight loss is based on the assumption that all calories are equal - which they're not!

Yes, in the short term if you eat less, you may lose some weight, however your body is complex and anticipating famine will slow down its metabolism, meaning that you continually need to keep reducing and reducing your calories to continue losing weight.

And even worse, studies show that your metabolism never really recovers, which is why so many people put back on the weight, plus a whole lot more, when they’ve finished their ‘diet’.

All calories are not equal, to lose weight long term and sustainably you need to change what you’re eating, not how much.

In particular the highly refined, processed and sugary foods that cause your blood sugar levels to rise AND increase your fat storage hormone insulin.

I've helped hundreds of women [and men] lose weight and it can work for you too!

If you're ready to STOP dieting and START losing weight get in touch!