Want to know what the best diet to eat at menopause is?

Want to know what the best diet to eat at menopause is?

The answer is that there isn't one!

We're all different and will experience menopause in our own unique way with our own set of symptoms.

This is why I created The Menopause Method. A 12-week programme that follows my proven framework that has worked for so many women.

Based on a detailed understanding of your health history and the specific symptoms that are affecting you, together we take a deep dive into all the aspects of your diet and lifestyle that can help you get back to feeling normal again.

This is the power of personalised nutrition - looking at you as a whole person and not just a set of ovaries.

There is just one space left to start working with me 1:1 in April - more info at ritchnutrition.com/method.