How to improve hot flushes & night sweats in just 4 weeks

Meet Ruth, whose hot flushes and night sweats improved significantly in just 4 weeks of making some simple changes to her diet.

And these were just two of the long list of symptoms she came to me with.

Hot flushes and night sweats are two of the most widely recognised menopause symptoms. Both are hugely embarrassing, inconvenient and can really mess up your sleep, not to mention your pyjamas and bed sheets!

So what can you do about them?

The three main culprits driving them are stress, alcohol and sugar.

All three can knock all of your hormones out of balance and be driving many other symptoms too.

If like Ruth you'd like to get to the root cause of your symptoms, I can help.

Inside The Menopause Method, my 12-week private 1:1 nutrition coaching programme, I teach you how to manage your specific set of symptoms so that you can get back to feeling normal [or even better] again.

Want to know more? Get in touch.😏