Translating blood results into actionable food and lifestyle recommendations

Thought I'd share a different kind of testimonial about someone who was concerned about their health and their blood results [copied from her Google Review]

“I am extremely happy and thankful for my consultation with Helen. She is an excellent nutritional therapist, very knowledgeable and well informed regarding diet, nutrition, exercise and disease prevention.

I got in touch with Helen because I needed someone to translate my blood results so that I could understand them better and make necessary changes in my diet, nutrition, exercise and in disease prevention.

I had many exclamation marks against my blood results, this was concerning me, even though my blood results were seen as satisfactory by my G.P.

My gut feeling was I needed to do something about this before they go out of range.

Helen was able to translate my blood results. It is very rare to find someone who can translate your blood results in such detail. Helen was able to help me understand them, suggested foods to avoid, suggested food to eat (for weight gain) and suggested nutrition to take according to my deficiency in my blood results.

Helen's support was beyond my expectations. She kept in touch via email to find out how I was doing.

I would highly recommend Helen to anyone. I feel blessed to have met her."