Five tips for helping to clear brain fog and improve your memory

A recent study reported that 45% of women say that menopausal symptoms have had a negative impact on their work AND I was one of them!

8 years ago in my senior marketing role, the lack of focus and concentration left me struggling to do a job I had done successfully for over 25 years.

If brain fog is disrupting your life and career here are 5 tips to improve your memory and help clear your mind:

1️⃣ Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. at least 3 times per week. These help build brain and nerve cells which will help improve your memory.

2️⃣ Drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day to hydrate your brain. Your brain cells need water to help them communicate with each other and to clear out toxins & waste that can stop them functioning.

3️⃣ Exercise regularly to facilitate the growth and repair of cells and blood vessels in your brain. It also helps get oxygen to the brain and builds new brain cells.

4️⃣ Get a good night’s sleep [7-8 hours] each night. Lack of sleep leads to lower levels of concentration and alertness.

5️⃣ Find a way to unwind and manage your stress levels. Stress can kill brain cells and shrink your brain.

These are the basics for tackling brain fog so which one are you going to try?