The ‘meno-pot’ is real… here’s what you need to know…

If you've put on weight at menopause or perimenopause then you're not alone. I've definitely noticed the difference in my post-menopause body and especially my 'meno-pot.'

There are several reasons why this happens, which can be the first step in understanding what you can do about it.

Here's what you need to know:

🧐 Firstly, as our ovaries wind down the production of oestrogen in its most potent form of oestradial, our fat cells take over and become the main source of oestrogen in a weaker form called oestrone. This means that to keep our levels topped up our intelligent bodies lay down fat specifically around the belly, creating a ‘meno-pot.'

🧐 Secondly, as we age our metabolism slows down so that if you continue to eat what and how you've always eaten, you're still likely to put on weight. So you need to watch your portion sizes.

🧐 Thirdly, as oestrogen levels fall, we become more much insulin resistant, which means that we can’t process carbs as well as we did prior to menopause. This can be one of the reasons for weight gain and it means that you need to drastically cut down on the refined white carbs and sugars you're eating.

So now you know the reasons why, you can start looking at what you can do with your diet and lifestyle - the right form of exercise, getting enough sleep and managing stress levels are very important too.

If you'd like some help in losing weight I can help, get in touch!