If you’ve been told you just NEED to eat less and exercise more to lose weight then you’ve been lied to..

I’m calling rubbish on the outdated tale that if you eat less calories and do more exercise then you’ll lose weight.

Here’s why.

The theory that you just need to exercise more than the calories you’re taking in is outdated.

It assumes that all calories are made equal!  But doesn’t  take into  account your age, sex, weight, whether you’re menopausal or even if your body is in fat-burning mode.

When you just eat less and do more exercise your body will just adjust and do even less [aka you won't lose weight].

Whereas, what you should be doing is STOP eating highly refined, processed and sugary foods that are causing your blood sugar levels to rise AND increase your fat storage hormone insulin.

This means that to lose weight sustainably you need to change both what you’re eating and incorporate the right amount of exercise.

I’d love to know your thoughts on this outdated debate?  Get in touch and let me know!