Are you worried about osteoporosis and bone fractures now you’re at a certain age?

I was quite shocked to be diagnosed with osteoporosis last summer, in fact I couldn’t quite believe it as I’ve been eating healthily for years – or so I thought.?

My calcium and vitamin D levels were fine so what was going on?

After further research I realised that not only was it important to ensure you’re eating enough protein (think 1g per kg of body weight), but there are other key nutrients that are vital for strong, healthy bones.

Magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin K2 is important for bone health and ensures that your calcium actually gets to your bones rather than just into your body [which is damaging].

Weight bearing exercises are vital as well as they send a signal to your bones that they need to be strong.?️‍♂️

So now I’m well into my new exercise programme involving 2-3 sessions a week of weights interspersed with HiiT circuits, as well as upping my protein intake and taking selected supplements………. So at my next assessment I’m hoping to have reversed progression of my osteoporosis.

Get in touch if you’re worried about osteoporosis? I’d love to chat.