3 Things you’re doing that are making your hot flushes worse

1.  You’re drinking coffee hoping it will give you a boost, but instead it’s triggering hot flushes.

This is because caffeine narrows blood vessels instead of widening them, increasing the speed of blood pumping through your body.

You need to replace coffee with something calming that won’t trigger a stress response.

2. You’re having a glass of wine after work to help you unwind and relax, which is causing your blood vessels to expand, warming you up.

You need to find an alternative activity to help you relax after work.

3. You’re not managing your stress levels effectively. The adrenaline produced by your stress response, raises your heart rate and blood pressure and causes hot flushes.

You need a PERSONALISED strategy that will teach you how to effectively manage and control your stress levels so you can start feeling cool, calm and confident again.

How often do you suffer from hot flushes at work?

A - All of the time
B - sometimes
C - I don’t get hot flushes at work

A B or C what one describes you best? Let me know!

P.S. [stay tuned …I have a fabulous free resource dropping soon that will help you regain your cool, focus and confidence at work]