3 ways you’re sabotaging your weight loss attempts
  1. You’re cutting calories.

When you eat less your body adjusts and does less [aka you won't lose weight].

Reducing calories is NOT sustainable and does NOT take into account your age, sex, weight, whether you’re menopausal or even if your body is in fat-burning mode.

  1. You’ve radically stepped up your exercise regime.

Doing more exercise places an additional stress on your body and won’t help you lose weight. It can even STOP you from burning body fat.

  1. You’re replacing meals with liquid shakes.

Liquid shakes are NOT real food and don’t give your body the nutrients it needs for sustainable weight loss. Worse, when you start eating real food again you’re likely to put all the weight back on.

What you REALLY need for long term sustainable weight loss AND to keep the weight off is a personalised weight loss strategy.

A strategy that ensures you’re eating the right kinds of foods to burn fat, incorporates the right amount of exercise AND fuels your body with the nutrients it needs.

To help you get back control of your menopausal symptoms, download your free copy of The Ultimate Guide to navigating menopause in your corporate career at ritchnutrition.com/guide