Are you waking up in the night soaking wet?

Night sweats really are a nightmare. You’re waking up feeling like a hot mess. You could wring out your pyjamas…. Literally! ??

It’s not only uncomfortable and creating a mountain of extra washing, but the sleep disruption is leaving you exhausted and unable to function properly at work.

To make matters worse men’s higher metabolic rate means they can sleep a lot hotter than women, which really isn’t helpful if you’re sharing a bed.

What can you do about it? Well, there are many nutrition and lifestyle tweaks that can help you sleep like a baby, such as reducing the amount of coffee and alcohol you drink.

Plus, here are 3 very practical tips to help cool you down and diffuse the heat.

1. Switch your double duvet to 2 x single ones so you're in control of your own body temperature.

2. Wear loose, night clothes made from natural fibres such as cooling cotton. This applies to sheets and duvets too.

3. Try a cooling pillow to help you prevent retaining heat.

However, you also need to dial into what’s causing your night sweats, to stop them happening in the first place.

This is why I’ve developed The MENOPAUSE METHOD© - a personalised 3 month 1:1 program for corporate menopausal women who want to STOP being held captive by their symptoms and START feeling normal again.

Go to to find out more.