Why antidepressants are not the answer to depression in menopause + how to fix
If going through menopause wasn’t bad enough! When depression hits you as well, you feel like it’s game over!
I’ve suffered with depression on and off throughout my life. Sometimes to the point where I felt like life just wasn’t worth living.
But suffering depression during menopause felt different from previous times.
The doctor only had antidepressants to offer me, but if that was the right solution no woman would suffer depression during menopause.
Antidepressants DO NOT get to the REAL underlying problem of what's going on inside your body. It’s a bit like just putting a sticking plaster on it, hoping it will eventually go away.
It’s the reason why I created THE MENOPAUSE METHOD©. This will give you the confidence you’re on the right track to finally feeling like your old self again and make depression a thing of the past.
You’ll follow a proven method that’s worked for me and my clients, who are able to STOP brain fog, hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms such as depression disrupting their careers and START feeling normal again.
Go to ritchnutrition.com/method to apply or DM me “menopause” + let’s chat.