Are you making these 3 mistakes in trying to lose weight in menopause?

Are you making these 3 mistakes in trying to lose weight in menopause?

“My clothes don’t fit me like they used to. It’s making me feel fat, old and frumpy.”

This is one of the most common complaints about menopause that I hear from my clients on an almost daily basis.

And with so much misinformation about nutrition and how to lose weight around, it’s really not surprising.

Here are 3 common mistakes that could be stopping you from losing weight and fitting back into the clothes you love:

1. Cutting right back on the calories and weighing all your food.

2. Stepping up your exercise regime and pounding the treadmill in the gym as many days as you can manage.

3. Avoiding fat like the plague and filling your fridge with low-fat everything.

Having struggled with my weight for many years I’ve made all of these mistakes and more:

➡️ Eating ryvitas and cottage cheese every day because it was easy to count the calories. ?
➡️ Going running every morning even though I hated it. ?
➡️ Believing fat was the enemy and thinking fat-free yoghurt was the answer. ?

Believe me, these things really don’t work for long-term sustainable weight loss.

Inside the Menopause Method you’ll discover how to start losing weight healthily and sustainably so you have more energy and fit back into your clothes again.

Start feeling attractive and confident again. Get in touch with me now to find out how.