Find out what’s really causing your menopause symptoms….. test don’t guess!

If you really want to know what’s going on with your hormones I highly recommend doing a DUTCH test.

That is a Dried Urine Test of Complete Hormones (DUTCH), one of the most comprehensive hormone tests available and covers much more than just your levels of oestrogen and progesterone. It also includes testosterone, cortisol (stress), melatonin (sleep), plus how these are all being processed and removed from the body - which is equally as important as levels.

All of your hormones work together like an orchestra so it’s important to understand the big picture because if one is out, this will have a knock on effect on all the others.

Testing hormones in blood doesn’t really give you a lot of information, other than what’s happening at the point in time the blood test was taken. And will also not measure your overall hormone levels.

So if you really want to get to the bottom of what’s causing your menopausal symptoms, DM me and I can arrange a DUTCH test AND interpret the results for you.