How to start getting back to feeling normal and like your old self again

Lots of people are talking about hormones and menopause right now - which I absolutely ❤️ love - about bloody time too!

But it’s still all too readily accepted that other hormonal imbalances such as painful & heavy periods, PMS, acne, endometriosis and fibroids to name but a few are normal.

Which they are absolutely not!

I wish I had known this when I was younger and that someone had been able to explain to me that our bodies and hormones are complex and that just taking the contraceptive pill was like putting a sticking plaster on the symptoms without getting to the route cause.

No surprises then when you fast forward to your 40s and 50s and menopausal symptoms start being added into the mix.

Because you haven’t started to tackle the underlying issues.

There are more than 50 hormones circulating in our bodies that we also need to pay attention to. They all work together in harmony like an orchestra so when one is out of tune the knock-on effect on the rest can be HUGE!

And I’m not just talking about oestrogen and progesterone and how low or high your levels are.

If you’re interested in investing in your health and uncovering the route causes of your symptoms then The Menopause Method is for you. My personalised 12-week private nutrition coaching programme is designed to address YOUR specific symptoms and teach you how to manage all of your hormones naturally so you can start to feel normal again.