So you think you have a healthy diet?

And that may be true. You don’t eat junk or processed food. You eat lots of fruit and veg. You do lots of exercise.

But you're still suffering with brain fog, mood swings, anxiety, sleep disruption, hot flushes, are putting on weight and feel exhausted [delete as appropriate]?

Maybe that’s because your healthy diet is not healthy for you, your body, your lifestyle and your health history.

Many of my clients are initially unsure whether nutrition and lifestyle can make a difference at menopause and get them back to feeling normal again. That is until they try it and then they can’t believe how good they feel.

Unsurprising really with all the media hype about menopause being mainly a hormone deficiency and that medication is the only answer.

No matter whether you go the HRT route or not, it’s vital to look at your diet and lifestyle as a whole and get to the route causes of your symptoms.

You too could be well on the way to feeling good again with The Menopause Method© - my per-sonalised 12-week private nutrition coaching programme that addresses YOUR specific symp-toms and teaches you how to manage your hormones naturally so that you can get back to feel-ing like you again.

As it's my birthday tomorrow I'm offering £100 off The Menopause Method© for this week only. Get in touch if you want to book in.