It’s time to stop demonising fat! Fat is your friend not your foe!
It’s time to stop demonising fat! Fat is our friend, especially at menopause and perimenopause. Every day I speak to women who are fearful of fat and have cut it down or out of their diets completely. Eating fat is vital for life and contrary to what we’ve been told over the last few decades […]
Discover how Gillian changed her moods, weight, gut issues and aching joints naturally.
When I first met Gillian she was overweight, feeling low, had to walk down the stairs one step at a time, and wasn’t really confident leaving the house because of her digestive issues. She had been told she had thyroid problems and was considering trying HRT, but really did not know what to do or […]
Don‘t guess what‘s happening with your hormones just test!
You may have been told that it's not worth testing your hormones at perimenopause and menopause because they fluctuate so greatly, and that is true for blood testing. However, there are alternatives such as urine testing, and one of the most popular is the DUTCH [Dried Urine Test of Complete Hormones] test. Hormones are complex […]
Is there a “manopause” AKA male menopause?
Is there such a thing as the "manopause" or as it's medically termed, andropause? Actually there is, just like women experience hormonal changes with menopause, men go through a similar phase as they age. Andropause typically occurs in middle-aged and older men, bringing about shifts in hormone levels, particularly testosterone. What happens: 🚹 Gradual decline […]

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