Catch up on my live discussion with NHS GP Dr. Manik Imsirovic about all things HRT
Catch up on my LinkedIn Live recorded last week with NHS GP and Lifestyle Medicine Doctor Manik Imsirovic. We were discussing HRT, what the options are, side effects, risks, how to talk to your GP about it. How to get the most out of a 10 minute consultation with your GP and lots of other […]
Should menopause be considered a disability?
Should menopause be considered a disability? This was a hot media topic yesterday and in my opinion takes the discussion a step too far. 7 years ago in my senior marketing role, severe brain fog left me struggling to do a job I had done successfully for over 25 years and I was eventually fired! […]
3 reasons to try the nutritional approach to managing your menopause symptoms before HRT
Here are 3 reasons you should try the nutrition and lifestyle approach to menopause symptoms before HRT. 1. As I’ve seen time and time again your symptoms may completely disappear so you don’t need to take HRT at all. 2. Your symptoms may be improved so significantly that if you still think you’d like to […]
Did you know that a staggering 80% of women don’t speak to their partner about menopause?
I was shocked to read this statistic and wondered why this might be? With the increased discussion and media awareness of all things menopause you would think that it was no longer a taboo topic! I know from speaking to men and women, partners of menopausal women can be left feeling helpless or even traumatised […]

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