Are you the woman who invests more in her dog’s health than her own?
No-one likes to see their pets in pain, so it’s natural that we’re happy to pay the vet to make them better. A recent survey found that 61% of pet owners would spend the same, or more, on their pets' wellness vs. their own. As a nation we have got used to 75 years of […]
Don’t be one of the 25% that quit their jobs because of menopause symptoms
It's a shocking statistic isn't it? 25% of women quitting their jobs because of menopause symptoms.? Sadly it's still happening today, despite the increased awareness and public discussion of all things menopause. ? In fact, 49% women consider taking early retirement and 9% actually have disciplinary action taken against them because of their symptoms. I […]
Your risk of depression almost triples at menopause – how depressing is that?
I suffered with depression on and off for many years and know what it’s like to feel that life is not worth living. I have been offered antidepressants many times - including for menopause symptoms - but they don't address the real underlying issues. Plus they only work for a minority, are highly addictive, and […]
What are phytoestrogens and what menopause symptoms can they help with?
Phytoestrogens are plant-based compounds that have a similar structure to human oestrogen. They can bind to estrogen receptors in the body and have a mild oestrogenic effect [about 1/1000th as potent as human oestrogen], which can help to reduce the severity of menopausal symptoms. They are clever too, in that they can help reduce high […]