Want to lose weight? Why it’s time to cut the calorie cr*p!
Weight gain is one of the most common complaints I hear from the women I talk to about menopause. It frustrates me that there is still far too much talk about counting calories and how achieving a calorie deficit is essential for losing weight. This outdated thinking is perpetuating the misery and frustration of all […]
How I manage my menopause anxiety
7 years ago when menopause anxiety hit me out of the blue, I was horrified to be told that it could last for 10 years plus ?? That was until I learned how to manage this most debilitating symptom. Firstly, a high quality, nutrient rich diet is essential. This means: ?Ditching the refined, white starchy […]
Don’t forget that menopause is not a disease!
It makes me sad to see how overmedicalised menopause has become. With the media focused on what type of HRT to take and how to talk to your doctor, you would be forgiven for thinking it was a terrible disease to be endured, battled and struggled with. Please can we stop the scaremongering? It’s frightening […]
Are you the woman who invests more in her dog’s health than her own?
No-one likes to see their pets in pain, so it’s natural that we’re happy to pay the vet to make them better. A recent survey found that 61% of pet owners would spend the same, or more, on their pets' wellness vs. their own. As a nation we have got used to 75 years of […]

Fed up with 3am wake-ups and sleepless nights?

Download my free guide to How to Get a Good Night's Sleep