Are you taking your health for granted? Here’s why your menopause symptoms could be the wake-up call you need!
It’s a bit of a cliché isn’t it “good health is your most valuable asset.” But from what I see, most of us do take our health for granted, and it’s not until we get ill or start experiencing menopause symptoms that we start really thinking about it. We then either start to wonder what’s […]
Warning – your nail polish could be making your menopause symptoms worse!
It feels great doesn’t it, to step outside the nail salon with a set of fresh and shiny glamorous nails. I know from experience that it can become a habit that is hard to break, even though we can see the physical damage it’s doing to our nails underneath. But, what most of us don’t […]
The secret to losing weight at menopause
How to lose weight at menopause is one of the questions I’m most often asked by my clients. And the answer is quite often a surprise. It’s not about cutting calories, weighing out food, eating low-fat, going vegan or doing a lot more exercise. It’s also not about going on a diet and then reverting […]
Why you need to ‘Be More Dog’ at menopause
Menopause is a time of transition, both physically and emotionally. Your approach to menopause can significantly impact your experience, not to mention the severity of any symptoms. Dogs are experts at living in the present moment and enjoying simple pleasures. They are also known for their unconditional love, their loyalty, and their ability to bring […]