Meet Gillian who has lost weight, changed her moods, resolved her gut issues & stopped her aching joints
Meet Gillian, who is now on a new path for her future. When I first met Gillian last November, she was overweight, feeling low, had to walk down the stairs one step at a time, and wasn’t really confident leaving the house because of her digestive issues. She had been told she had thyroid problems […]
Why Japanese Women Don’t Get Hot Flushes
I met a Japanese woman last week at a menopause talk I was giving. She told me that both her mother and grandmother did not understand what she was talking about when she asked them about their menopause symptoms and hot flushes. I found this intriguing and did some research, only to discover that the […]
“I’ve lost weight & feel great”, Alison Windsor
Meet Alison, who joined my last live group programme 'Lose Weight, Feel Great', that started in January. Alison joined the programme because she had put on weight over the Xmas period, was not sleeping properly, and her energy levels were flagging. During the 4-weeks, Alison learnt the key pillars to losing weight healthily and sustainably […]
Discover what’s really driving your menopause symptoms. Test don’t guess!
It’s really not all about low oestrogen & progesterone levels. Yes they play a part, however there are many other factors, not to mention hormones at play in your body that affect menopause symptoms. The best way to really find out what’s going on inside is to test. And I’m not talking about blood testing, […]