Meet Suzanne – who is now looking forward to the rest of her life!
When I first met Suzanne, she felt like a broken person. She was finding it hard to see to the end of the day. She was struggling with extreme mood swings, zero energy and brain fog that left her unable to think straight. Her weight was increasing and she just couldn’t get an uninterrupted night’s […]
Myth: you need to eat less & exercise more to lose weight at menopause
If you’ve been told you just NEED to eat less and exercise more to lose weight then you’ve been lied to! This calorie deficit theory of weight loss is an outdated myth based on the as-sumption that all calories are equal - which they're not! It also doesn’t take into account your age, sex, weight, […]
4 reasons why your hot flushes are embarrassing you at work
1. You’re having a glass of wine ?to help you relax and unwind after work. Alcohol can both constrict and dilate your blood vessels, both of which are unhelpful for your nervous system and can trigger hot flushes. 2. You’re comfort eating too many sugary and starchy foods?, which are in-flammatory and worsening every single […]
“I’ve lost weight, got more energy and have had to reduce my HRT”
When I first met Cathy she'd been failing to lose the 1.5 stone she’d put on in the past year. Cathy had tried everything. Cutting calories, Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Slimfast and inter-mittent fasting! BUT nothing she tried helped shift the weight. Here’s how in just 2 weeks of working together Cathy has more energy, […]