Are you scaring the SH*T of your menopause symptoms?
How you're scaring the SH*T out of your menopause symptoms ?Brainfog - you can’t think clearly at work but you’re doing nothing about it. ?Menopot - you’ve put on weight and blaming it on the menopause, but you’re still counting calories and eating low-fat. ??Mood swings - range from happy mood to despair, but you’re […]
Myth: HRT is the only solution to your menopause symptoms. Nutrition + lifestyle make no difference!
I’m calling rubbish on the myth that HRT is the only solution to your menopause symptoms. I’ve worked with many women who have initially been skeptical about how a natural approach can help them feel better. Suzanne is a classic case in point. When I first met her, she initially didn't believe that I could […]
What everybody who’s concerned about osteoporosis and bone fractures should know
Last year, I was shocked to be diagnosed with osteoporosis, in fact I couldn’t quite believe it as I’ve been eating healthily for years – or so I thought. ? I was encouraged to take calcium and vitamin D supplements, even though blood tests showed that I had healthy levels of both – so what […]
Can’t think clearly at work and keep forgetting things now you’re in menopause?
Can’t think clearly at work and keep forgetting things now you’re in menopause? 45% of women say their menopausal symptoms have had a negative impact on their work according to a recent study AND I was one of them! 6 years ago in my senior corporate role, the inability to focus and lack of concentration […]