Low or no libido? Why focusing on this first is a good strategy for managing your menopause symptoms.
Seriously I can hear you thinking? This must be a bad joke! Even though your sex drive may have completely disappeared in menopause, here’s why it should be at the top of your priority list of symptoms to manage so you can get back to feeling normal again. Firstly, your libido is an indicator of […]
“I can’t believe how good I feel, I wasn’t sure you’d be able to help me, I thought I had a healthy diet…”
This is what one of my menopausal clients said to me recently at the start of her third session with me. It’s this response that makes my work so rewarding and demonstrates just how powerful the nutrition and lifestyle approach to managing menopause can be – with no medication in sight! This lady first contacted […]
Want to know what’s really going on with your hormones? Test don’t guess!
Want to find out what your hormones are really doing? So did I and the results of the DUTCH [Dried Urine Test of Complete Hormones] were really in-teresting. This test looks at far more than just oestrogen and progesterone, it also shows you what’s hap-pening with testosterone, cortisol [stress hormone], melatonin [sleep hormone], vitamin B12 […]
Is Your Glamorous Nail Habit Making your Menopause Symptoms Worse?
I know how good it feels to step out with a set of shiny, glamorous, new nails. Even though we know the damage it’s doing to our nails underneath, it can be really hard to break the cycle and give them a chance to recover. But did you know that your nails are porous and […]

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