Want to find out what your hormones are really doing?
So did I. So rather than relying on GP blood tests I did a DUTCH test [Dried Urine Testing of Complete Hormones]. This is one of the most comprehensive hormone tests available and looks at far more than just blood levels of oestrogen and progesterone. Testing hormones in blood doesn’t really give you the full […]
Are you making these 3 mistakes in trying to lose weight in menopause?
Are you making these 3 mistakes in trying to lose weight in menopause? “My clothes don’t fit me like they used to. It’s making me feel fat, old and frumpy.” This is one of the most common complaints about menopause that I hear from my clients on an almost daily basis. And with so much […]
“I lost the plot during an important conference call with the senior management team”
Imagine feeling sharp and focused at work [no brain fog] because it’s a lot easier than you might think. I went from totally being unable to think clearly and construct a sentence when I was on an important call with my senior management team, to feeling confident and on the ball. Here’s how:- 1. Drinking […]
Why antidepressants are not the answer to depression in menopause + how to fix
If going through menopause wasn’t bad enough! When depression hits you as well, you feel like it’s game over! I’ve suffered with depression on and off throughout my life. Sometimes to the point where I felt like life just wasn’t worth living.   But suffering depression during menopause felt different from previous times.   The […]

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