Are you waking up in the night soaking wet?
Night sweats really are a nightmare. You’re waking up feeling like a hot mess. You could wring out your pyjamas…. Literally! ?? It’s not only uncomfortable and creating a mountain of extra washing, but the sleep disruption is leaving you exhausted and unable to function properly at work. To make matters worse men’s higher metabolic […]
Is HRT the only solution?
I wanted to have a rant about the over-medicalisation of menopause and the media focus on HRT. Whilst I welcome the increased awareness of menopause I don’t think it’s particularly helpful to position HRT as THE solution to distressing menopausal symptoms. As if it’s a magic bullet solution - which it isn’t! There’s hardly any […]
A staggering 78% women don’t immediately recognise their menopausal symptoms!
Unbelievable isn’t it? ?? But true. And I was one of them. Most of us [women] have heard of hot flushes and night sweats. But it’s brain fog that can have the most devastating effect on your life and career. 6 years ago, when severe brain fog struck, leaving me unable to function at work, […]
Struggling with menopausal moods swings? Here’s 5 reasons why you’re making them 10X worse!
Mood swings are a classic menopausal symptom and caused by fluctuating hormone levels, as your body tries to cope with peaks in oestrogen & dips in progesterone. They’re a scaled-up version of premenstrual syndrome [PMS].   And the #1 reason you suddenly find yourself suddenly plunging for no apparent reason from feeling good to a […]

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