8 things you can do to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s now you’re in menopause
My post yesterday covered 5 facts you need to know about your risk of developing Alzheimer’s now you’re in menopause. The good news is that you can reduce your risk by 50% by making nutrition and lifestyle changes. The 8 things you can do NOW to reduce your risk are:- 1️⃣ Avoid processed and refined […]
5 things you need to know about menopause and Alzheimer’s
With all the recent news about HRT potentially reducing your risk of Alzheimer’s you may be rushing to book an appointment with your doctor. But before you do, here are 5 things you need to know. 1️⃣ It’s common to be more forgetful in menopause. It doesn’t mean that you are in the early stages […]
If you feel stressed for more than 15 minutes every 2 weeks it’s time to take action!
If you feel stressed for more than 15 minutes every 2 weeks it’s time to take action! Why? Because humans are not designed to be in ‘fight or flight’ stress mode for more than 15 minutes every fortnight. So if you are, you are chronically stressed. And chronic stress makes every single one of your […]
Don’t let your menopause symptoms disrupt your career
These statistics on the impact of menopause on women and their careers is shocking:- ?72% say they feel unsupported at work. ?25% consider leaving work because of their experiences. ?20% take time off to deal with their menopause symptoms. ?90% feel unable to talk to their managers about menopause. ? 60% say their symptoms negatively […]