Why I love cold water swimming
Today is the 6th anniversary of my youngest sister Rachel’s suicide and I thought it appropriate to share some of the benefits of cold water swimming and why I do it. Firstly because it most definitely improves your mental wellbeing. A study has shown it can lead to an ‘immediate improvement in mood following each […]
How we tackle brain fog inside The Menopause Method
Meet Janine, whose brain fog left her feeling like a broken person when we first met, and can now look forward to the rest of her life Janine was initially skeptical that working on nutrition and lifestyle could help her feel better, but she wanted to avoid taking replacement hor-mones so took the plunge. So […]
Are your teeth affecting your brain fog?
Research shows that gum disease can affect your entire body not just your mouth. As Pete Williams [a pioneer in this area] says: “Leaky Gums & Leaky veins, Leaky Guts & Leaky Brains.” At a recent conference he presented the case study of a 55-year old woman with brain fog, increasingly poor memory and symptoms […]
Why not to adopt the ‘Ah f**k it mentality to eating at this time of year’
As Christmas approaches it’s tempting to ditch all the intentions to eat healthily, do more exercise, start losing weight, get a grip of your menopause symptoms and think…. "Ah f**k it, I’ll start in the New Year." Does this ring a bell? I know it’s all too easy to adopt this mindset, but that’s what […]