Fed up of being a member of the 3am wide awake club?
I used to wake up at 3am most nights then lie awake for hours tossing & turning only to fall asleep just before my alarm went off at 7am. It was not only exhausting making me feel like I was running on empty, but adding to my already high anxiety levels. But after using these […]
I have lost my first stone, have more energy + my anxiety is 90% reduced!
Meet Sharon. When I first met Sharon back in May she really wanted to find a new way to lose weight and keep it off. She was also feeling very anxious and had a lot of knee and back pain. Sharon had tried everything. Cutting calories, Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Slimfast and fasting! BUT nothing […]
How your hormones affect your menopause
How you feel at menopause is about much more than oestrogen and progesterone. All your hormones work together like an orchestra and when one is out of tune, there is a knock on effect on all the rest. Here’s a quick overview: 1. Oestrogen, progesterone & testosterone [your sex hormones] control your repro-ductive cycle and […]
The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Menopause in your Corporate Career
Fed up of feeling anxious, unable to think clearly and function like you used to at your corporate job? READY to start feeling cool, calm, confident? Great, you're in the right place… Dialing into what’s causing your brain fog, anxiety and hot flushes is the secret to regaining your confidence, focus and clarity at work. […]