Here’s how to STOP menopausal sleep disruption & START getting a good night’s sleep
I used to wake up at 3am most nights then lie awake for hours tossing & turning only to fall asleep just before my alarm went off at 7am. It was not only exhausting making me feel like I was running on empty, but adding to my already high anxiety levels. But after using these […]
Trying to get rid of your anxiety at work & nothing you’re trying has worked? Here are 3 probable reasons why…
Anti-anxiety tablets Taking medication is just putting a sticking plaster on the real problem & can cause side-effects. You take them because that’s what your doctor recommended! You need an easy framework that teaches you how to take back control of your anxiety. Get off the medication and leave you feeling confident and in control […]
Fed up of feeling anxious, unable to think clearly and function like you used to at your corporate job?
Fed up of feeling anxious, unable to think clearly and function like you used to at your corporate job?   READY to start feeling cool, calm, confident?   Great, you're in the right place…   Dialing into what’s causing your brain fog, anxiety and hot flushes is the secret to regaining your confidence, focus and […]
3 Things you’re doing that are making your hot flushes worse
1.  You’re drinking coffee hoping it will give you a boost, but instead it’s triggering hot flushes. This is because caffeine narrows blood vessels instead of widening them, increasing the speed of blood pumping through your body. You need to replace coffee with something calming that won’t trigger a stress response. 2. You’re having a […]

Fed up with 3am wake-ups and sleepless nights?

Download my free guide to How to Get a Good Night's Sleep